Breakdown of the Relationshop - Part 3
Well after the success of nabbing a massive monitor on the cheap which was only a matter of minutes from my house, My thoughts changed to scoring the now required dirt cheap PC for the heart & soul of the cabinet..
errr.. yeah eBay... we have a history... not helped by my mate Dave who's ebay knowledge possibly surpasses mine & his level of boredom at work is at least on a par..
he spent the afternoon bombarding me with cheap assed PC for the job. I settle in for a session of scoring one of them as cheap as possible, but I have some time to kill
To pass that I thougth I'd swing by works Help Desk & see if they were throwing any PC's out.
"yeah we have some junkers... I might be able to give you an old P4..."
"I'll get back to you"
I know Help Desk enough to know that means I ain't seeing anything for a month.. but a free PC may still come my way..
The guts of this part of the story starts now, on driving home I encountered one of those moments that makes me squeel with delight.
Driving through Monty I see someones dumped a PC on the nature strip.. I slow down & look..
IBM Aptiva... Hmmm it wont' be a powerhouse. but it might just do..
I throw it in the boot & drive off.
get it home, turn it on.. get beeping..
OK... crack it open.. no RAM.. well that will slow shit down
I'm not real smart so I just start throwing old RAM sticks in there. on the third try beeping stops & I hear the monitor kick in..
we're in business I think, but expect a hard disk failure or something...
get into the BIOS, what have we got? it boots from CD.. WTF!!!!
reboot, win98 screen... you fucking beauty...
virus's etc.. boot.ini gone (whatever) OK reinstall time...
long story short(er) get a fresh version of 98 on the bugger & what have I got?
500mhz AMD K62 with a (wait for it) 20GB HDD!!!!!!
fucking A-ONE perfect for the job... it's got PS2 KB & MOuse inputs onboard soundcard.. everything, it's even reletively quiet..
Boys.... it's coming together.
I should warn you, the missus came downstairs & saw PC's & monitors strewn about the room & almost shat kittens
The title is starting to ring true
errr.. yeah eBay... we have a history... not helped by my mate Dave who's ebay knowledge possibly surpasses mine & his level of boredom at work is at least on a par..
he spent the afternoon bombarding me with cheap assed PC for the job. I settle in for a session of scoring one of them as cheap as possible, but I have some time to kill
To pass that I thougth I'd swing by works Help Desk & see if they were throwing any PC's out.
"yeah we have some junkers... I might be able to give you an old P4..."
"I'll get back to you"
I know Help Desk enough to know that means I ain't seeing anything for a month.. but a free PC may still come my way..
The guts of this part of the story starts now, on driving home I encountered one of those moments that makes me squeel with delight.
Driving through Monty I see someones dumped a PC on the nature strip.. I slow down & look..
IBM Aptiva... Hmmm it wont' be a powerhouse. but it might just do..
I throw it in the boot & drive off.
get it home, turn it on.. get beeping..
OK... crack it open.. no RAM.. well that will slow shit down
I'm not real smart so I just start throwing old RAM sticks in there. on the third try beeping stops & I hear the monitor kick in..
we're in business I think, but expect a hard disk failure or something...
get into the BIOS, what have we got? it boots from CD.. WTF!!!!
reboot, win98 screen... you fucking beauty...
virus's etc.. boot.ini gone (whatever) OK reinstall time...
long story short(er) get a fresh version of 98 on the bugger & what have I got?
500mhz AMD K62 with a (wait for it) 20GB HDD!!!!!!
fucking A-ONE perfect for the job... it's got PS2 KB & MOuse inputs onboard soundcard.. everything, it's even reletively quiet..
Boys.... it's coming together.
I should warn you, the missus came downstairs & saw PC's & monitors strewn about the room & almost shat kittens
The title is starting to ring true
Well I am pretty excited. When you post, you post HARD.
Can't wait to Christen this thing with a Fish-n-Chips night. But be warned, the kids are about to go up another belt in mixed martial arts, so there is a good chance we will be "back of the queue" until someone needs a toilet break.
It is heartening to see your computer knowledge being put to good use. I shall keep an eye out for a fake gyna to install under the joysticks. Did I say that out loud? Delete!
it's kind of scary, it's been a long time since I've had to conduct a driver hunt... but I'm on it now.. If anyone has the audio & video drivers for an IBM Aptiva 2199 please send them my way cause this shit gets real old real quick...
& what the shit is up with having to pay for all the drivers now? that shit is whack like Tooheys
Fuck me you are kicking some goals mate. My mate picked up a complete, pristine Webber BBQ during Hard Waste too.
Apparently you're not meant to pinch hard waste stuff, but fuck em. The salvo's charged me $10 to GIVE THEM a fucking couch, so take it off my charity tab...
How does one shit kittens exactly?
London sucks chilly, overcast and raining testicles. But Macbook Pros and Entourage on my iPod touch make up for it a little...
Re: the old pc's. There's a few mobs online that might accept them, they use them in 3rd world countries etc. Otherwise whack a live-cd in from some linux distro and give it to a kid who can't afford one. Some ISP's give away free dial-up nowadays...
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