Thursday, May 31, 2007

For those about to Hack . . .

. . . into a 7' fire breathing carniverous chicken, We salute you!

On a more serious note, the artist behind this masterpiece is snoring like a bear in his room, and I just found his Tamagotchi, leaping for his little digital life while being snapped at by 2 dancing turds. Tearing up, I ran to my eldest son's room, and he was able to hose out the cage and give the Tama a Hep B shot with a wide bore needle, and cheer it up with some jelly beans. Jesus christ, I would hate to have real pets. The Tama only just got to sleep, which is unusual for him. We think it was either:
- the smell or
- whatever music the shits were dancing to

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Avalon - Showdown with the Grumpy Mole

As you can see from the home-made battlemap, Korat the Echidna Gladiator has smashed in the stone doors, and the Grumpy Mole's number is up. The Mole himself is hiding behind that pillar (and being represented by a plastic yowie) granting him +4 cover bonus - right up until the party flanks him on either side, and the lizard rogue (represented by the black Frodo mini) sneak attacks the Christ out of him while the Echidna tenderizes him with his flail.

It was actually a bit close for comfort for the PCs, I thought at one stage they were cactus. The Mole softened up the Echidna with a flying molish warhammer as he came thru the door, and the Echidna, who usually rolls crits like he's the star of Oceans 14 or something, kept missing with his crossbow.

In Avalon you know there will be hilarity, and sure enough, the PCs were on their last legs, hacking away at the Mole from either side, and the Lizard managed to fumble, snapping one of his two swords in half on the stone column.

You would do well to admire my Hackmaster GM's screen in the photo, and notice that my battle flaps were flipped over once combat started, to the pant-wetting delight of all involved.

The little bloke playing the Echidna gets a bit excited and rolls dice like he's bowling in test match cricket, which is fine but the dice bounce straight off the table, nearly blinding his brother and then dribbling across the floor in a random direction. SO, I have gathered the materials to make him a dice rolling tower, more on that next post...

I forgot to mention, bottom right you can see the little guy's new Tamagotchi - you can expect to have to stop mid-dinner so he can wipe it's ass, walk it and inject it with steroids. At least it sleeps in.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I'll be picking this up, "for my son."

Be Aggressive

Thursday, May 17, 2007


As promised, pics of works in progress (very slow and long progress).


First up - WH40K Thousand Sons. I've got two units of nine of these guys. I've replaced the Aspiring Champs pistol with a power fist from the standard chaos marine box.

TS Predator with forgeworld front plate.

Termie conversions. I dremeled the helmet out from the headpiece to match the TS terminator graphic in White Dwarf a few years ago.

I've still got sitting unassembled an Ahriman model and 3 more sorcerers. I'll probably get a forge world dreadnought if I progress further with this army. I'm painting more for looks than to play with at this stage as TS are apparently very had to use effectively.

Warhammer Fantasy Battle.

You guys have probably seen some of these minis before. I've been working on this army for years now.

2004 Chaos Warriors. I've got a few units of these to paint.

Tzeentch Chaos Lord on disc.

Forge World Chaos Mammoth

Demons and chaos knight. I've got 15 of the 2004 models to paint as well as a a heap of 5th edition models.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


View this Sonny CHiba classic here as a Real Player file online, can be blow up to full screen.