Went to Games Workshop with the big boy last night and learnt a tiny bit of painting. SPent a few hours today finally getting this bad boy painted for the little guy. Now he's ready to rock. Upon presentation I got told it was awesome, a pat on the head and "good Daddy."
Now Uncle Skaffen it's time for you to step up HERE for your nephews. Get 2 more jobs and start purchasing TODAY.
Nice work. I've been very quiet here of late. I think its time for a showhand and to try out the new digital camera on the 40K work in progress (very slow) and WHFB Chaos Horde (quite a few years in the making and still growing). Stay tuned.
Also I have this fella on the way. Any of you guys that read very early White Dwarf (I think, could also have been dragon magazine) would remember him.
Monkeypox that's Awesome. I love Thrud, bless his tiny little head. You were right the first time, it was White Dwarf. That magazine was awesome before it became a monthly catalogue, (but that doesn't stop me buying it "for my son")
Can't wait to see how Thrud turns out. Do you have any tips for the Echidna? I might try to do some (less blotchy) highlighting, based off the photos and where the light is catching. Also might try to paint the "edge" of the mask and belt. Came up alright though considering I made it up as I went along and have no idea what I'm doing.
My oldest son was going to do an Eldar army but half his mates have decided to do the same, so I think next in line is Necrons. We're talking about investing in some Hirst Arts
molds to go bananas on Egyptian-themed basing. (Mixing the Egyptian stuff with this:
- stuff which they made with Necrons in mind)
Monkeypox - could you give us any tips on making Egyptian Mummy wrappings, to have them hanging from the Necron skeleton robot guys? I am guessing modelling it in Green Stuff would be the way to go.
There is a new modern Thrud comic, I checked it out but it's shit. Doesn't look anything like the old Thrud. We don't need another Conan, we have Korgoth of Barbaria for that! Bring back Thrud the pin-headed violent retard we know and love!
Echidna looks cool. Just needs a bit more shading (unless the flash from the camera is hiding what is there). Perhaps an ink wash on the pants and skin would help speed things up. 50/50 mix of ink + water. Once the wash dries (only use a small amount and drying takes ages) go for a small highlight with paint.
The egyptian stuff will be handy for me as well - Thousand Sons 40k will have pretty much the same sort of theme.
Mummy wrappings - there is an example in a white dwarf from a month or two ago. A guy did a 40k TS army there and used wrappings/mummy on one of his dreads. It is just green stuff and should be fairly easy to do. Just create flap strips then wrap them where you need to. Green stuff can be a bit of a pain to work with because it keeps curling up so you have to keep the sculpting tool wet and coaxing it back to where you want it to stay.
Agree on the Thrud, which is why I went for the classic model. Didn't like the larger head on the new version. Thrud to me has and always will have a tiny tiny head.
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