ULTIMANT TOTAL WAR (correct spelling)

Shit your pants and cry, because when Cave Trolls, orcs, monsters and space marines duke it out in continent-sized space hulks floating somewhere in time, you are playing ULTIMANT TOTAL WAR. And when these boobs deal d1billion damage, you need a shovel to roll damage.
This was actually a pretty sedate game of UTW, last week the little bloke got kicked out of the manufactorium and told he couldn't play with the big lad's warhammer figures. So the little land shark said "OK, get stuffed" and pulled out half a dozen boxes of old wargames courtesy of Uncle Skaffen and started the ultimant (sic) apocalyptic shitfest. 5 minutes in and the older boy abandoned his army and asked to be allowed to play UTW instead. Can you blame him?
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