The crits just keep on coming

As you can see, the proxy miniatures are Castellan Draco standing in for the Frill-Necked Lizard theif, Yoda representing the Echidna fighter in full effect, and a tiny d6 representing the tiny mouse torch bearer hiding behind a tower shield build to his scale.
The echidna (5) has a tendency to roll 20s, did so, and on this the first game I applied penetration rules borrowed from Hackmaster, rolled a 4 on damage for the crossbow bolt, so rolling again, then doubling the total. Nearly snuffing a bugbear with one shot. His brother manned the ballista, loaded it, and took a shot at the stone supports under the aquaduct - it came down in a shower of lego pieces, and the bugbear died from the fall.
To cut a long story short, just before tea the echidna found the magic flying hammer they set out to find in the first place - he spotted it rushing towards his face out of a dark room. It smashed him on the scone, he announced to his brother that he reckons they've found the hammer, and said golden winged hammer flew away again into the darkness. Roll initiative...
I thought they might be getting bored but they're loving it.
Luckily dead monsters pop in a shower of coins, or they would be wading through gobbets of twitching meat.
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