Friday, April 27, 2007


The find another Earth and Skaffen doesn't even post about it? Shame on you! Some dork you turned out to be. Unless you are currently en route to said planet and your space rocket has no wireless broadband.

What's going on? Is blogging "so 5 minutes ago" now? Am I missing something? Please help, old and struggling to keep up.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Went to Games Workshop with the big boy last night and learnt a tiny bit of painting. SPent a few hours today finally getting this bad boy painted for the little guy. Now he's ready to rock. Upon presentation I got told it was awesome, a pat on the head and "good Daddy."

Now Uncle Skaffen it's time for you to step up HERE for your nephews. Get 2 more jobs and start purchasing TODAY.

Friday, April 06, 2007

3rd time lucky

I think I've found something more in keeping with my budget - cardstock dungeons from WORLDWORKS
The link above is to the "Chunky Dungeons" which would do the trick, but roll over the "Shop Catalog" button top right to see all their other shit...
...Especially the Dice Tower of Chaos

At $5US a pop, the kids will be getting one each

Check this out - Sewer action
Space Hulk 3d sections

All I need's a colour printer, a stack of cardstock, and I'm away.
The Hirst Art stuff looks great but time consuming.
The Dwarven Forge stuff can wait until I get rich.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

We just got back from Tigers clubrooms

Jasper had a footy clinic at Punt rd yesterday (as a member) and Noah got scouted to be in a corporate sponsorship video with his brother today to raise money for the club (gym equipment etc.)