Friday, June 10, 2005

We all love Judy

Judas Priest's 2005 release Angel of Retribution - a study by eightball

Whoah, I approached this album with a fair amount of scepticism, as most awesome metal bands end up recording urinal cake standard material after about 4 releases.

The new Judy album is fucking gold, riffs & drums are just modern enough to make them better than if they were thin & shitty 80's sounding.

But Halford is in fucking top form. The first track says it best


damn fucking right!!!

get this & play it for your signifigant other, all of a sudden you wont have to listen to something gay in the car, she'll let you play this as you charge down the highway. If you liked the Darkness in 2002 (& you fucking well better have) this is the next best thing.


PS. Due to blogger being a bit shit, this actually posted to 3DP instead, I was going to delete it, but I figure that blog needs all the help it can get to stop being a gaynerd repository.


Blogger eightball said...

2 points i have to mention,

1. go to the website. the intro is metal personified...

2. This album concludes with a 13 minute epic power ballad about.... wait for it........


holy fuck the radness is making me woozy.

I need a big metal nap

11:41 am  
Blogger monkeypox said...

#2 Fucking wins this post for me.
Goddam loch ness monster. Tree fiddy.
I'm off to the web site to metal up my work arvo. It bloody well needs it.

2:46 pm  

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