He started it...
I didn't want to do this sort of thing, but find myself compelled considering the circumstances.
I do find it amusing that someone discovered TML and decided it was the right forum to begin a debate about metal. Very ballsy from someone who writes poetry and puts it online.
Please oh masterful fairy, tell us what makes decent metal. While you're at it, can I ask you to explain and justify the following two statements:
"With out pantera metal would have been dead long ago, pantera caried metal through the late 90s.."
"..dime bag getting shot is to metal what bill gates being shot would be to shitty operating systems."
Oh yeah, learn to spell, cunt.
I do find it amusing that someone discovered TML and decided it was the right forum to begin a debate about metal. Very ballsy from someone who writes poetry and puts it online.
Please oh masterful fairy, tell us what makes decent metal. While you're at it, can I ask you to explain and justify the following two statements:
"With out pantera metal would have been dead long ago, pantera caried metal through the late 90s.."
"..dime bag getting shot is to metal what bill gates being shot would be to shitty operating systems."
Oh yeah, learn to spell, cunt.
Whoah there Skaffen.
He didn't actually "begin a debate about metal".
He just said he liked Pantera, ... and then insinuated that we're lame.
A lot of people like Pantera. I thought that break out album was OK for a few listens, in the same way that I don't mind the new Christina Augelera & Nelly song when it comes on the radio - it's harmless cheese.
Suggesting Pantera carried metal thru the late 90s is an hilarious thing to say, and for that I can't help smiling upon this young poetic retard. Metal made it through the late 90s IN SPITE of Pantera.
This kid doesn;t get your sense of humour, don't worry about it. You can't expect comeone to laugh at D&D jokes, when they think it's grown up to write deep poetry about
- wow I self harmed
- wow adult life is like wow
Yeah sorry, you're right.
I just get a little upset when people imply that Bill Gates has anything to do with shit operating systems these days, or that his death would affect the future of Microsoft, or that D10 aren't awesome.
Seriously what could be cooler than D10, apart from area-of-affect templates?
Finally, ANY self respecting gay poet should be able to spell, regardless of their self-proclaimed belief in nihilistic values :)
someone else bothered to read TML?
Hmmm I missed the bit where this tool bag started dealing out shit.
Needless to say arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics.
Even if you win you're still retarded.
However if this continues I can see Skaff having to hand down a 'you scratched my number of the beast record' style smackdown.
It is fun though :)
Thanks Nik!
...no wait, I mean ... FUCK!
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