Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Greatest Fucking Comic Devised by Man or Beast


Blogger stompbox said...

Holy shit! It's MAGNIFICENT !!

11:22 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

Of course it is.

A comic written by stomp over MSN, Illustrated by eightball on post it notes whilst driving down Hoddle St, scanned in stuck to a CD-Rom drive & vaguely about Skaffen.

Sit back, & wait for the film offers to start rolling in.

8:44 am  
Blogger skaffen said...

The guys at work just asked to me to shut up and stop crying. That is the most awesomest comic strip I have ever seen. Is there more?

11:01 am  
Blogger eightball said...

Seeing as I drive down Hoddle St everyday at 2kmph, yes I imagine there will be more.

However sooner or later I imagine I will run out of hardware to stick the post-its to.

1:18 pm  

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