Friday, December 10, 2004

Sweet Zombie Jesus

Fuck a rabid parakeet, this guy needs to save some for later.

CGtalk thread, worth linking for wireframes and discussion of technique - people ask questions like "how the fuck?" and "are you god?"
- check his signature for links to more CGtalk threads where he explains and shit, little videos to look at, oh my god.

And here's the dude's site:
"For more shots, texture sheets, turntable rotations etc"
- look for the showreel, meant to be awesome

If I could even get within whiffing distance of this kind of low-poly glory I would stop wearing pants. BAM! No pants. That would be it, end of discussion.


Blogger skaffen said...


2:59 pm  
Blogger skaffen said...

cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt

The showreel is damn impressive, I love the dioramas, using bases like miniature painting is cool. He should have whacked some D10s on the side or something.

3:38 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

You're the one wearing a Pantera tshirt. Cocksucker.

1:28 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

I apologise. That was out of line.

Please teach me more about metal in the 90s.

1:36 pm  

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