Wings of War
We got a plane each as part of entry, bought the 9 year old one too... and the 16 yo insisted we needed a boxed game also for the rules, damage card deck etc. He was right, and yes his mum killed me, but it was worth it.
I flew off the table on my first game, they let me live but the whole room looked at me and slowly shook their heads. Then I got shot down 5 times in round 3 and cracked it,
"I'm never playing this stupid game again."
"But Dad! You just bought the boxed set!"
"Yeah, and I'm throwing it out the window on the way home."
So these pics are of my first game with the 9 year old the following morning. As we predicted he absolutely loves it. Even his Mum could understand our firm commitment to collecting all the pre-painted planes.
It's an awesome game, super fast and easy to pick up, you basically take off and learn while you're flying. We have one seater WWI planes for now, can get 2 seater WWI sets also (there are a few series of planes) and then we want to collect the WWII game and planes also :)
Next post: Moto Grand Prix, the board game I bought my motorcyle-obsessed 16 year old for his birthday, with game pieces capable of leaning into corners and popping wheelies on the straight.
Joe Dodgey's Dice and Games - Tournament sponsor and good bloke, sells Wings of War thru his ebay store.