D&D 4e in full effect

The kids were both home from school with colds today. The little bloke got the idea in his head that we should play D&D, and by 1.30pm we started our first ever 4th ed game. And it was a fucking doozy. The big lad gives 4th ed 9/10, reckons it's "even better" than 3rd ed, and I haven't even printed up powers cards yet.
The rules are great, they fixed a lot of what got a bit tedious about D&D combat and turned it more into an awesome computer game version which spanks your mind. The clouds parted for the Paladin's special attack, a blast of holy light from the heavens which missed the goblin and scorched a boulder, which sat their steaming. The little lad established that "free actions" include burping in your enemies face, so breathed fire on 3 goblins at once and then taunted them by doing fart sounds with his armpit. Booyah.
EDIT: the thing on the far right hand corner of the table is a dice goblin, like a hollow teddy with a draw string on it. Yes, you fill it with dice and sleep with it.