A return to form
I'm sitting at my desk, scalpel in hand, cleaning up and building my armies of Space Marines and Orcs from the Assault on Black Reach starter pack.
I've got Bolt Thrower ramped up on Spotify.
And faintly in the back of my mind the Immortal Emperor whispers "welcome back"
I've got Bolt Thrower ramped up on Spotify.
And faintly in the back of my mind the Immortal Emperor whispers "welcome back"
Welcome back, even if you are initially a lackey of the false emperor.
Sarge !
A bloke at work has just built a new gaming PC, simply because of Dawn of War 2.
This is not helping my feeble attempts at self control, especially knowing I could walk down to the swapmeets this weekend and build a rig by tomorrow night.
Well there are rumours online of an updated release of SPace Hulk in time for xmas.....
Good to hear you're gaming again dude, or at least the post-high school version, which is basically buying more Warhammer than you can afford, stockpiling 3-4 half-painted armies, and then trying to shift them on ebay when the next edition comes out.
As for the actual WARGAMING component, we'll see if we can address that when you eventually get ejected for mooning the Queen or something.
Good choice with Witch Hunters, I had my eye on them also when Jas first got into WH40k, but I've been too busy financing his plastic soldier whims to address my own.
Although to be fair I have been stockpiling and painting up terrain for D&D slowly but surely...
We have twice the dungeon terrain we had when you played with us, and more coming in the post (all to be painted yet.) Also another 2 times the cool doors I posted on this blog poreviously, plus some other dressing, demonic archways, barrels and crates and shit.
And 2 acres of card tiles, all different sorts and sources, like Spacehulk but fantasy (from Warhammer Quest and other old out of print games.)
I scored the D&D 4th ed core rulebooks for a steal off ebay, been reading those in bed (much to the delight of Mrs Stompbox, who for some reason doesn't think it sexy.)
4th ed looks better the more I read it. I told the kids, instead of standing toe to toe with each monster and hacking until someone keels over, they will be able to do all the shit they talk about - sliding between their toes, swinging from shit, cartwheeling through goblin hordes delivering atomic wedgies, it's all there.
Been too flat out to play with this deadline, but that's over in a week and I'm off to Bangkok for another week...
Then when I get back, we're locked in for fortnightly games, Sat mornings. I told Jas you can come home hungover Saturday morning when you're 17, but you'll wargame and you'll like it. I'll hand you a spew bucket as you come in the door, because you're sitting your ass down and rolling initiative sunshine.
The D&D online game table thing is still on the horizon, don't know when that's coming out, but I want to look into it when it does. There are other online table apps I know, but this would have all the shit built in for our games, and the smoother and radder we can make it the better...
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