Friday, August 08, 2008

A story, by the Mortar Forker

I went to a little festival called Wacken..

...there was a big, nasty zombie there!

I punched it to death...
..."Victory!" I cried.

The chicks loved me for it...
...time to party!
Oh dear, too much party... time YOU can slay the dragon too!



Blogger eightball said...

Those Chainmail D cups are mesmorising me.....

6:33 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

I would loves to be there next times.
I plan to get riches so I cans kill my biotches and comes with youse guys to that place and drink beers and make good with the parties and the crazy tee shirts and the horrible exchange rates and sleeping in a tents with some poop in the back of my trousers.

6:37 pm  

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