Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Eco Zoo

Blown away by this website engine, can you chumps tell me any more about it?

The Eco Zoo


Blogger eightball said...

I can't tell you too much, it thinks it's Flash. but even though Flash elements have come leaps in bounds in the last few years to include stuff like Bitmap Caching & built in effects like motion blur (I think) I didn't think it had 3D baked in yet.

I could be wrong though, I've seen 3D faked in Flash before & it's never been that smooth, although the angular geometry alludes to it being 'faked' by scaling & skewing & rotating 2D bitmaps to achieve it.

All in all, pretty sweet.

The only other option I can think of, is that it was done in Director that DOES have 3D & their importing the Director file into a flash shell to get around director plugin issues.

I'm 100% certain that I'm over-complicating this

2:37 pm  
Blogger eightball said...

A bit of googling shows that

NO, Flash doesn't have a 3D engine (yet) however there are some Open Source projects going on.

But this was done by this nutbag


Who seems to need a root... badly

2:41 pm  

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