Western game. Looked awesome, the photos I took dont do it justice. It looked like - A Western Movie!

Bizzare steam/WW1 era game with German Daleks on bike wheels and other weirdness.

Fully Sick LOTR setup from the Nunawading Wargaming dudes. The kids loved this one. The ents looked great, the boys had a look at them (everyone was really cool about the kids having a look, and tended to hand them models to check out.) Jas liked the Ent with dreadlocks. Noah liked the water ramp system, and was impressed by the painted water effects on the river - great, now I have to learn how to do that shit.

I'll post the pics now, and come back and add the commentary later.
Because I am rooted after a huge weekend,
- Dreamtime at the G on Sat, watched 2 games there, arriving 4pm and leaving after 11.
- Then took the lads to Little Wars for 10am start today, where they proceeded to hand adult wargamers their collective asses, pirate style....

Those buildings are pre-painted, about $30 a pop, and they had them on sale there. I had just enough cash to buy a coffee, so it was with a deep sense of regret that we went home empty-handed. Noah agreed that a set of 2 of each style of building would be a big step towards his ideal of having every single square of Avalon in its entirety mapped out with floorplans and detailed miniatures.
I have some foamcore board from the picture framer down the road, I think today I'll have a go at kitbashing some buildings myself. Noah wants the city of GreyHaven to be realised in mind-shredding detail. I think it will be modular street-sections, so as you walk along I can recycle bits from behind and move them ahead. (God help me if the characters break into a slow jog.)

You get a pirate crew each, the GMs run the English soldiers, the first to get onto a pirate ship with their treasure chest (or someone else's) wins.
We got first pick of crew, so Noah took the French, being the most piratey looking with massive hats and so on.

So in the opening round, Noah (and I) opened fire on the Chinese pirate crew, just because we had guns, while Jas snuck off through the middle of the village trying not to get noticed, and doing a good job initially (he ended up with most of his crew still alive at the end of the game.)
We sprinted into a building, only 2 made it in, the rest outside blasting away dropping a few Chinamen. The Chinese charged into close combat with spears, and next round the 2 we had inside jumped in to help.

Meanwhile the English soldiers opened fire on the crowd of fighting pirates, hitting Noah's pirates but failing to wound - shooting a hole in his favourite hat. This was just the tip of the iceberg - people soon started to realise that when Noah picks up dice, you better hide.
Jas and I told them "at home, he rolls twenties." No worries. He then proceeded to roll 5s and 6s for the rest of the game, and even when people hit him he tended to save, or they rolled 1s to wound. Noah's crew was whittled down to one pirate, treasure chest slung over his shoulder, making morale check after morale check, wading through piles of his dead comrades and chopping away like a champ. The GMs was shouting by the end, when Noah was rolling 6 on morale check, outnumbered 3 to 1 with one pirate left, and taking them out one at a time in hand to hand. Lucky they were not our dice or people would have been suss.

The soldiers charged in, we teamed up with 2 other pirate bands to form a mob, chased them down, pinned them against a building and hacked them to ribbons. Filthy English!