
The lizard swcoped out a treasure chest, disarmed a poison needle trap and made off with some rune-covered magic studded leather armor and a similarly runed magic sword.
Meanwhile the Echidna looked down the pit, spotted really big spider webs, and scratched his head, announcing that giant spiders were most probably going to come out if anyone messed with the pit.
While on the other side of the room, the torch bearer mouse held the torch up high, peering down a flight of stairs and yelling "Look!" to the rest of the party. So they had a look, and a heavily armoured hobgoblin looked back, drawing his longbow. Muttering something at the stupid mouse about the element of surprise, the party charged, driving the mouse before them in a tsunami of Hack.

The hobgoblin copped it in the shoulder from the Lizard, ducked the Echidna's flail by a hair's breadth and reached for a healing potion on his belt, just as the Cockatoo finally forced himself out of the narrow stairwell with an audible POP and split the hobbo in twain. Tally XP, dorks.
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