Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A question...

...do I get WoW?


Blogger stompbox said...

If I was in your shoes I probably would.

But the answer to your question is No you definately shouldn't, if you want to get level-making you need to pull your finger out with that. Phil has paid work now doing that did I tell you? He got onto it thru the AvP2 modding forums or some shit. He sits in his shop modding, they send him textures and he just throws it all together apparently.

8:14 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

As someone who has been playing over over the last 13 months: no, its just too addictive. I have about 30 days played. That's 1 fucking month out of those 13 all up and I've cut back a bit recently, but I'm still playing 6 or more hours a week.

But, it is bloody good fun.

12:15 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

So what did you decide ?


10:42 am  
Blogger skaffen said...

I am thinking that when I get back from this two week holiday I may get it and burn a few months indoors till the weather picks up. Should save me some money :) and I get to be a rad magic warrior guy!

Yay for magical radness!

12:51 am  

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