Wednesday, October 12, 2005



Blogger skaffen said...

Sweet! And those rendercubes that he has linked to look awesome.

Does anyone yet have a need for a renderfarm? I suppose that's a pretty stupid question isn't it, everyone needs a renderfarm! Let's all build renderfarms!

What I like most about that rack is that in two years, or whenever, he can gut it and replace the systems with the latest tech. He can even do so one system at a time. Normally you're locked in to a specific hardware range and would have to replace the entire thing in a few years.

Cheap off-the-shelf hardware, free OS, no support contracts or vendors to tear your wallet out through your chest, and blue lights. Beautiful.

9:34 pm  
Blogger stompbox said...

I will knock this current job over in roughly 6 weeks. Then I'll be working on the first "demo" of my own top secret super cool project, shopping that around - in roughly a year the plan is that will take off (I'll use the demo as a bargaining chip to negotiate a good distro deal or job,) and THEN I'll be wanting a renderfarm, and should be able to get the budget to do it too.

So I'm thinking at this stage around one year from now I'll be hassling you for farmage. If you're in town sooner we might start planning sooner.

I have always wanted a renderfarm. We can set it up in the shed hooked up to the wireless network, and I can slip out there to admire it. You guys can come over and have a beer, sitting around the farm like it's a camp fire watching the lights blink, listening to the hum and nodding admiringly.

8:53 am  

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