Monday, March 28, 2005

Holy titty-fucking easter bunny

Go here for a whole buttload of scanlation downloads, available direct as zipped chapters. There's a lot of dark and violent shit on there.


Blogger skaffen said...


Manga is all mine! I have begun the collection as these links work from my office, whereas the others where causing trouble somehow.

I am happy in my pants.

Team-America was definately everything I expected it to be and I am quite pleased with the cock-sucking and the Michael Moore hilarity. More importantly, I saw They Live after the weekends depraved conversations and though I copped a lot of shit from my mates-who-didn't-understand-it, I loved it.

5:58 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I'm just happy that "titty-fucking" has been used as an expression in a post title. Titty fucking. Yay for titty fucking. Yay yay yay.

4:03 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

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4:03 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

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3:08 pm  
Blogger monkeypox said...

I need to learn to refresh my web browser. I need to learn to refresh my web browser. Firefox still rocks, I just suck a bit.

3:29 pm  

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